Phone: 206- 571- 4745
Born and raised in the great city of New York, Randi comes from a long line of successful entrepreneurs. She grew up surrounded by relatives that owned jewelry shops, clothing stores, gourmet New York delicatessens, and more. From the time she was old enough to walk Randi had the dream of being an entrepreneur.
At the age of 10, Randi was forced to move to Miami Beach, Florida where after some years of growing up she partnered up her cousin to start a Custom Home Construction company. Within one year, they were building multi — million dollar custom homes on Miami's Gold Coast. After 3 years of developing one of Miami's most successful custom home building companies, Randi got restless and decided to move out West. "Go West, Young Lady, Go West."
Randi landed in Berkeley, California. She attended the University of California and graduated with a degree in Business Administration.
Moving to Seattle, WA Randi and her friend opened up a Middle Eastern Restaurant in the Seattle area. It became a destination restaurant for locals and world travelers, hosting many of the sheiks and Royal Families of the Middle East, during the 70's.
In the late 70's, Randi decided to settle down and start her family. She had a boy and a girl, Mandi and Jesse, and become a dutiful mother and wife. Being the restless character that she is, Randi had to become involved in all of her children's activities and even ended up on the Board of Directors of her Church. In 1984, she felt it was time to start a new adventure and she ventured into Real Estate and Business Brokerage. The rest is history and to this day she is still the Co-Founder and partner in KR Business Brokers.
Since that time Randi and her partner, Kirk, have owned numerous companies and businesses, from a national Paramedical Company to a Nightclub. Throughout her life, both personally and professionally, Randi has never lost sight of where she came from, and has tried to blend in a unique and warm passion for life and business that has become her hallmark. With love, consideration, and compassion Randi has helped many clients achieve their dreams of freedom and independence thru the ownership of a small business.